Monday, August 5, 2013

Our Town at J.L. Mann High School- Drama II Classes

 The majority of this blog shows my production of "Our Town", which I had both Drama II classes perform for each other. This was in an effort to continue the work they had been practicing when I started teaching, as well as a chance to see how other people make character choices. I think it also gives them the opportunity to see where interpretations differ, and help them think, analyze, and critique. Both classes worked very hard, and we had so many people come, parents and faculty included, that there wasn't even standing room available. I was very proud of each student and the hard work they put in to make the production so successful in a minimalist fashion. 

This first set of pictures is from one of the Drama II classes. I will post the other class as soon as I am able to have a few minutes to find and upload.

 Drama II- SNL Skits & Original Comedy

Drama II Class Learning about hanging lights

Student learning to change gels

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